‘Work Smarter, Not Harder’ – Can Your Organization Benefit from a Business Process Review?

The age-old phrase “work smarter, not harder” can often come at an inconvenient time when we do not want to hear it, but it usually stands to be true. We find that most times, there is an easier way to accomplish any given task. 

However, sometimes the obstacle in these tasks is applying a change to our current logic. The reality is that change tends to be more difficult when you don’t have a clear understanding of what needs to change or have the knowledge or skills to make it happen.   

Oftentimes, organizations are reluctant to take a closer look at their overall processes, especially if no issues have surfaced. Change can be a serious hurdle for many organizations. However, these organizations may not appreciate the impact that an operational process review may have. A business process review could be the key to unlocking the full potential of any given department within an organization.  

Overall, an operational process review allows for an objective, in-depth look at the big picture from the organizational level down to a specific functional level with the goal of increasing productivity with a more streamlined approach. It allows management to reevaluate business objectives, even to the extent of taking a closer look at the culture within the business. Sometimes, there are even triggering events that may create a more obvious need for a process review due to a key employee leaving, an occurrence of fraud, or even change in the day-to-day workplace function (such as the work-from-home protocol as a result of COVID). An operational review may help management to not just react to growth and change, but to deal with and address these issues.   

While a process review helps to optimize the current state of an organization, it also sets the stage for more opportunities in a future state. Some of the most common issues that affect true realization can include:  

  • Inefficient or underutilized use of software available  
  • Increased manual processes leading to risk of error/fraud 
  • Lack of proper training due to undocumented procedures/SOPs 
  • General process inefficiency  
  • Data integrity concerns 

So how do we begin to tackle these issues?

The overall goal of a process review is to identify opportunities and increase value throughout the business to provide the appropriate recommendations to optimize business needs. Such recommendations can include:  

  • Creating or updating policies and procedures 
  • Conducting appropriate training 
  • Implementing procedures to strengthen controls 
  • Optimizing system functionality to align with business needs 

Our team is always focused on efficiency and striving to make our clients’ lives easier on a day-to-day basis. We also work with our clients to develop risk mitigation strategies to prioritize planning and prepare for any potential risk. From problem-solving to continuous improvement, we are focused not only on the day-to-day processes but also on the future state.    

Discover how your organization can benefit from an operational review at w6o.xjiu.net/business-process-optimization or contact a member of our team today.   


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